Sunday, June 7, 2015

Digital Blog Post #D - Chapters 6 & 10

After reviewing chapter 6 and 10 in the book, I can see how technology is beneficial for the students if the teachers know how to work with it. Being proficient in the new technological advancements is a must because it would allow us to reach all of our future students. By understanding the content of the websites, teachers are able to limit the intake of information to only credible sources. This would allow for students to learn the steps to access and analyze information properly. Also, technology can be use as tool to help students with disabilities in process known as Assistive Technology.

Educational Websites as Teacher Resources

"An educational website is a source of Internet-based digital content specifically designed with K-12 learning goals in mind"(Maloy, et al, 2013, p. 144). This does not mean all the educational websites would work the same way. As future teachers, we need to look for the ones that fit our students the best. Our search can be focus on websites that received prestigious awards such as the Webby Awards and American Association of School Librarians (AASL). Transforming Learning with New Technologies (2013)  presented us with six types of educational websites for teachers and students to use of academic learning.
  1. Lesson Plan Websites: In this websites teachers search for ideas that could be implemented in class. They also look for lesson plans that are relate to the curriculum they are currently teaching.
  2. Student-to-Expert Communication Websites: This websites allow for students to interact with people around the world that are professional in different fields. Students can ask questions and share ideas with them.
  3. Real-Time and Recorded Data Websites: Students are able to experience things as if they were actually present during the event. (i.e.. Virtual Field Trips)
  4. Archival and Primary Sources Websites: Give students access to libraries museums, and the organizations. They can access all of these places from their computers.
  5. Skills Practice Websites: These websites allow for teachers to maintain students busy, working on different activities. While they are assisting other students.
  6. Exploration and Discovery Websites: These websites give students a view of how beautiful is to discover new things. Students are completely engage with the different activities these websites provide.

Using Educational Websites and Apps Interactively
Not all the websites are interactive. Many of them follow the old way of teaching, where information is presented just to be read. In order for websites to be classified as "Excellent Educational Websites," they need to have the following features:

  • Interactive: These websites must keep the students busy by interacting with them. These interactions can be reflected on doing activities such as answering questions, searching for answers, etc.
  • Exploration: In order to keep the students entertain, these websites make students look for the answers instead of just providing them. 
  • Engagement: The information in the website is allow for students to be engage at all times. 
This website give you access to different websites where you will see these 3 concepts

Assistive Technology to Reach Diverse Learners
Nowadays, technology is also use as a tool to assist students with disabilities. This technology is known as "Assistive Technology." This article give us a good explanation how important is for students, teachers, and parents to get to know what is out there to make the life with people with disabilities much easier. The use of these technologies allow for students to disabilities to engage in the class and actively participate.

  1. BrainLine (n.d.) Assistive Technology 101. Retrieved June 7, 2015, from
  2. Espinoza, Patricia (2015, Feb 10). 10 FREE Homeschool Teaching Resources Websites Preschool to Grade 12. [Video File] Retrieved June 7, 2015, from
  3. Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
  4. RefSeek- Reference Directory. (n.d.) Retrieved June 7, 2015, from

1 comment:

  1. Very comprehensive summary of your three points with additional researching evident - remember that your blog post is meant to be more reflective in nature, i.e., what specific website might you use as a future teacher and why
